Episode #6: The Holy Grail:  Managing Taking Care of Self AND Taking Care of Others

The Holy Grail:  Managing Taking Care of Self AND Taking Care of Others


In this episode we focus on a personal level polarity that we believe is universal.

We venture to say that there isn’t anyone who isn’t or hasn’t been impacted by this polarity.  Clinicians especially, because taking care of others is at the core of our roles and responsibilities. Some individuals become clinicians because of their desire to care for others or to serve others or because they feel called to do so. 

In healthcare today, leaders and clinicians are facing significant challenges such as increasing suicide rates, burnout and moral distress.  In addition, some of us are members of the “sandwich generation”, taking care of kids and parents!   Because this is a polarity, we know it won’t go away, so learning to leverage it is the best option for all. 

Taking care of self and taking care of others occurs in many different contexts.  We experience it as healthcare clinicians, as parents, and as leaders.

During this episode we talk with Dr. Diane Gilbert Bradley about her experiences with managing and leveraging the “self & other” polarity as she navigated her way through medical school, being a rehab medicine physician and as a corporate executive.

Dr. Bradley’s advice to others:  look at taking care of self and taking care of others through an abundance lens.


Episode Summary Points:

·        Competition in Medical School on many levels moves you to focus on self to be the best but also

focused on learning to serve others

·        Preference for the OTHER pole lead to choices around specialty of Rehab Medicine

·        Downside of preferring the OTHER pole drove decision making and risk taking

·        Feeling the tension of the downside of a pole can be the impetus for change or escape

·        Over time realized need both focus of self and other

·        Actions can serve both SELF and OTHER Poles

·        Pendulum effect moving from focus on one pole to the focus on other

·        Conscious choices, intentionality and permission to focus on both

·        Self-aware enough to know there was a problem but paralyzed with inability to change it

·        Power of leveraging polarities in designing your life 

·        Extended sabbatical enabling learning of new skills and volunteering on boards

·        Intention regarding how to spend time and design life

·        Awareness of early warning signs and indicators of over focus 

Teaching Points:

·        This is a crux polarity in any and all relationships

·        Be aware of early warning signs-both with personal and professional relationships

·        This is continuous-not a problem to solve-you will always be working on managing self and others

·        Context and beliefs can influence how you experience this polarity 

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Tracy Christopherson