Episode 217: Being in the Flow State as a Leader

Episode 217:   Being in the Flow State as a Leader

Have you ever experienced a moment when you are deeply immersed in whatever you are doing, focused with extreme clarity and creativity, and felt incredible joy and fulfillment? That's being in the flow state, and we're going to explore it today. 

You may or may not know being in the flow state doesn't occur during our easiest or most relaxed moments, but usually when we are stretched to the limit with a task associated with something we enjoy and are good at.

In this podcast episode, we talk about being in the flow, how you can leverage it, and why maximizing your impact as a leader is important.

We also talk about the benefits of being in a flow state and some recommendations to create opportunities to be in the flow state as a leader.

In this podcast, you’ll hear: 

04:44 - About the definition of flow state 

05:49-  Why flow state doesn’t occur during our easiest or most relaxed moments

08:51 - The benefits of being in a flow state

09:45 -  About the universal factors of flow

13:22-  Some recommendations to create opportunities to be in the flow state 

16:56 - The negative consequences if you are in a lower skill level or a lower challenge state

19:37 - Some of the positive outcomes of being in a flow state

While you’re thinking about how useful and important the information is in this episode, start listening here now or go here to watch on the MissingLogic LLC YouTube channel.

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