Episode 218: The MissingLogic® Journey Beyond Healthcare

Episode 218:  The MissingLogic® Journey Beyond Healthcare

One of the common questions we frequently get asked when speaking to other leaders is whether we will be doing work outside of healthcare.

And guess what? We're absolutely thrilled to announce that we’re expanding our reach beyond healthcare leaders.

With over 20 years of experience working with healthcare leaders and different organizations, we always knew that what we have been doing was applicable to all leaders.

Therefore, we believe it's time to expand our reach and work with all leaders in all industries.

In this podcast episode, we share some incredibly exciting changes that are taking place at MissingLogic and some up-leveling to the podcast that you're not going to want to miss!

We also talk about why we started our podcast with healthcare leaders and why we are running some stellar encore episodes for the next several weeks on our podcast.

In this episode, you’ll hear:

03:00 - Why we started our podcast 

04:19 - About why we started with healthcare leaders 

05:43 - Why we are rebranding and expanding our reach to all leaders 

06:47 - About our book launch and why we intentionally wrote it for all leaders 

07:26 - Why we are running some encores episodes on our podcast

As we embark on this new chapter including and beyond healthcare, we invite you to join us in this exciting conversation. Start listening here now or go here to watch on the MissingLogic LLC YouTube channel.

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We would love to have you contribute to this podcast by submitting a question that we can feature in a future episode. All you must do is email your question to questions@missinglogic.com.

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